Dear Rose

Dear Rose,

I used to be incredibly passionate about a few of the hobbies in my life. However, over the last year or so, I found myself not finding those things interesting or exciting anymore. I don’t know why and it bothers me. Could it just be the craziness of the year or is it my fault that I feel this way?

Sincerely, Hobby-less High Schooler

Dear, Hobby-less High Schooler

Losing interest in the things you once loved can be tough. It could be the way this year panned out or it could simply be that you outgrew those hobbies, and either way, it’s okay. We’re in a transitional period in our lives and, truthfully, in the world too. You have to understand that it’s okay to outgrow things and move on. You’ll find a new passion and you won’t think twice about those you left behind.

Sincerely, Rose