Hayes Dillon: Miller Insight

  • Having to memorize the music and relying on the drum majors, Colin Johnson, Hayes Dillon, Kamryn Pender and Shelby Shaji watch carefully waiting for their time to step off the podium. Before they march off they play with grace and play better every day.

  • Hayes Dillon changes his life with a step onto the field and just a single note. Now every morning he marches and never fails to do his best along with the rest of the band.

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Every student has a purpose in the school whether it be a specific club or making it to second hour. Junior Hayes Dillon, takes pride in being a part of the band. He’s in jazz band, marching band and participates in many Band competitions. Dillon’s interests go alongside his purpose, especially the history of band and the effort the band gives every day.
“You can find stuff going back to the 1900s. It’s insane how most people don’t notice this program because we’re not as big of a band as many others and we work equally if not harder than they do,” Dillon said.
High school changes people, but for Dillon, marching band is what really changed him. The small things are what can change a life and that’s definitely what the band has done for Dillon.
“ I was never really a physically active person until I joined marching band and then I became active and marched almost every day in the blazing hot sun or the freezing cold,” Dillon said.
High school, CVTech and band can be very overwhelming for Dillon, but when contest season rolls around it’s a roller coaster of emotions. From performing in front of a judge to hearing “Pride of Yukon” from the speakers it can give thrills but also chills.
“When you’re performing in front of a judge, they know exactly what you’re doing and you’re just trying to get the highest score possible and against many other bands, but you are also there with friends which helps overall and makes it a fun experience,” Dillon said.