World Cup: Admiration of the game
Kelson Reyes was scrolling through World Cup highlights on Tik Tok to catch clips of the game he hasn’t seen or wants to see again.
The World Cup was one of the most known and watched sporting events internationally. The World Cup happened every four years and one month in which 32 teams played in group stages before advancing to bracket stages. Only 16 teams made it to the bracket stage and one country won the cup. For many, watching the games was a thrill ride with highs and lows. For others, it was just for the love of soccer, like head coach Neil Hilton.
“I just love soccer,” Hilton said. “I grew up loving the game, playing the game, coaching the game. I just love it as a spectacle.”
The same can be said for Kelsen Reyes who admired seeing the best players in the world compete at such a high level because that’s when people get to see the emotion on their faces.
“Seeing Richarlison hit that beautiful kick against Serbia made me get out of my chair and go crazy,” Reyes said.
The thrill of the games had many fans watching at all times. Reyes risked getting in trouble to watch the World Cup wherever he was.
“I watch the World Cup at school, home and work. I watch it everywhere,” Reyes said. “I try watching every chance I can get. I watched it during class and pulled it up on a website despite having assignments.”
Meanwhile, Hilton watched when he had time to see the best of the best go head-to-head.
“[The World Cup] is just the chance for the best players in the world to compete against each other,” Hilton said.