Austin Spangler: Lifting powers his journey

Madyson O’Neale

Austin Spangler’s powerlifting gets to be the first teenage male ambassador for the United States Powerlifting Federation. He got his position by volunteering and helping others. Spangler finds his love for the sport and continues to find peace in it.

Austin Spangler became the first male ambassador for the United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF). Spangler has been doing powerlifting for almost four years. He got involved with the idea through a church member and he instantly fell in love with the sport. Powerlifting became a big part of Spangler’s lifestyle, and at USPF he had the chance to work with younger kids.
“These people are very welcoming and they have helped me grow as a lifter,” Spangler said. “I get the opportunity to mentor kids while also being mentored by adults and other kids around my age.”
Not only has USPF helped Spangler improve as a powerlifter, but they also became a family to him. USPF helped Spangler become a stronger and better version of himself.
“Powerlifting helps me become a better person overall,” Spangler said. “It’s kinda like my second family and everyones just so welcoming.”
Spangler had an exceptional relationship with powerlifting. Senior Matthew Werscham feels that powerlifting became a huge part of Spangler’s life.
“He definitely has a good relationship with powerlifting,” Werscham said. “I feel like he started it to have a goal in mind and now that goal has turned into a lifestyle and so it’s just a part of his daily routine now.”
Spangler had a good relationship with powerlifting but he also built great relationships with his friends. Werscham admires Spangler and believes that he’s a good person.
“He’s very outgoing and funny and he kinda does his own thing, he doesn’t really care about what other people think about him and altogether he’s just a really great guy,” Werscham said.

Spangler is very passionate when it comes to powerlifting and really enjoyed it. Powerlifting had impacted Spangler’s life positively. Senior Grant Hendrix enjoys being friends with Spangler and loves how friendly he is. Hendrix also enjoys Spangler’s dedication to powerlifting.
“He’s a person that you know you can easily become friends with and he’s very well driven and motivated to what he believes in,” Hendrix said.