Humans of Yukon: Mrs. Stewart
Stewart helps guide a student during their flood prevention assignment.
In a normal class, we follow the same routine. We listen to the teacher, learn the curriculum, then end up taking a test. However, in Mrs. Stewart’s SREB (Southern Regional Education Board) class, students can expect a very fun, and different class, one that students enjoy.
In Stewart’s SREB classes, Stewart’s helps students to take on a fun, new way of learning that keeps students engaged.
“My policy is first things first you’re gonna learn something in my class, I don’t care if it’s how to tie your shoes or how to public speak, you’re going to learn something,” Stewart said.
An SREB class is one that is combined with a lot of hands-on learning of multiple subjects, one that students can compare to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) classes of their past.
In Stewart’s class, she takes the already fun aspect of SREB and makes sure she adds a fun aspect to it.
“I really really really want you all to have fun, I love laughing with y’all and telling stories, as long as everyone has fun, I am doing my part,” Stewart said.
On Stewart’s path to becoming an SREB teacher, she did not plan on being an SREB teacher, and actually, did not even know what SREB was.
“ I chose to be a SREB teacher because I actually got the job offer, not even knowing that it was a job,” Stewart said. “I love the engineering and the tinkering part of it and so I decided okay, it’s my love of science because my love of tinkering and so I got to put those two things together and now I get to teach all the SREB kids.”

Coy Pope has been a staff writer for the YHS insight since 2019. He loves writing about all things sports, but also covers all sorts of other topics. Before...