Back to school pep assembly
October 4, 2022
The miller man sits back and watches as the assembly goes to plan. “The assembly definitely reached its goal to bring up school spirit and make it an enjoyable time for everyone,” senior Shanna Varghese said. “The pep assembly brought everyone together even if we were separated by grade.”
Behind the scenes of the assembly, a team of student volunteers worked for the week prior, to set up behind the scenes. The pep assembly committee planned activities and decorations they hoped the student body would find fun and exciting. “I just hope everyone sees our vision for the first assembly of the year and has a good time,” senior Madelyn Rhoda said.
The spotlight circles the gym during role call, highlighting each section as students cheer. Students from each section cheered and participated in every activity.
Drumline ends the assembly with the crowd’s cheers echoing through the gym. The crowd’s volume increased with the drumline’s volume. While percussion was closing the assembly the Miller Man walked out and threw beach balls into the crowd.
Circling the miller man and flaring their pom poms cheer and pom celebrate his arrival on the court. Cheer and pom rushed between student sections to excite the crowd.